Browsing: workout

Become a Superhero

With superhero movies hitting our screens left, right and centre, people wonder what these actors must do to reach the level and shape required for their upcoming big film. It might not be quite as far-fetched as you may think.

Ten Thousand is all about fitness clothing with a purpose

At Short Motivation, we love to hear about brands with a purpose, which could be the reason why the company designed their clothes in a particular manner or fabric, or how they tackled the industry in a disruptive or alternative manner. Enter Ten Thousand whose fitness range is all about reaching your goals and how they can help pursue opportunities in life, better.

Training: Advanced Abs

Part three of a three-part core series. “Advanced Abs” cranks the intensity up to another level, keeping the workout the same overall time length but adds a few more exercises, giving you even more choice to swap things around and keep you making progress

Training: Kettlebell Upper Body

The kettlebell is a hugely universal piece of fitness equipment, where the mobility and diversity makes it perfect for almost anyone. It is particularly useful to take outdoors or on holiday, as there is no need for any other equipment and the rugged nature of a good kettlebell means it doesn’t matter if you throw it around or get it dirty!

Training: Post-Workout Cooling Down

You’ve finished your session and are good to go home, right? Wrong. Completing a cool down should be integrated at the end of every session as a way to wind down, reduce your heart level and bring everything back down from the intense level you’ve just been training at for the last 30 minutes or more.

Training: Whole Body Medicine Ball Blast

Stuck for time? Not got a lot of equipment? With this workout you can smash a whole body workout with just one medicine ball. The idea behind this is to give a fun alternative to having to go slog it in the gym for an hour, with this workout you can go anywhere and with a little space give yourself a fat destroying circuit.

TRX Lower Body Workout

The TRX trainer is a brilliant piece of equipment that can be taken on holiday, as it’s really light and not very big. Keep yourself in shape whilst away from the gym. Olly takes a look at some of his favourite lower body TRX exercises