With many people wanting to get into shape but getting stuck at the barrier of it being too complicated or needing a large variety of equipment, bodyweight exercises can be great to overcome this. With such a large pool of exercises that can help with gains in strength, flexibility, body composition and much more it’s no wander you see people of all shapes and sizes using bodyweight movements to a real advantage. The biggest problem however with bodyweight exercises is that they can get a bit boring; this is where the TRX comes in.
What about using one piece of equipment that is small and light enough to take almost anywhere and set up outside or inside to a secure point and give yourself countless more exercises with different varying degrees of difficulty.
The TRX trainer is also a brilliant piece of equipment that can be taken on holiday, as it’s really light and not very big. It’s awesome to keep yourself in shape whilst on breaks away, without needing to go to an expensive gym.
This plan outlines some of the best lower body exercises to use the TRX for. This selection could be used as a workout on there own or could be swapped into existing workouts for a little bit of variation now and again.

TRX Jump Squats. Click for larger images.
Jump Squats
Squats are deemed to be one of the best – if not the best – leg exercises out there. So it only seems right to include a jump squat in this list. Using the TRX to perform a bodyweight jump squat you can get the depth required a bit easier than without it, which can help improve form when it comes to a weighted one.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

TRX Pistol Squat – click for larger version
Pistol Squats
A progression on from a normal squat, the pistol squat is difficult at the best of times. Performing this with the aid of the TRX gives you more stability and ensures you can get a full range of movement a little bit easier.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

TRX Jump Squats. Click for larger images.
Leg Extension
Lie on your front and put your forefoot into the foot cradles, with the TRX set up to mid thigh height. Keep your body straight and start with your legs bent and just off the floor, feet straight under the anchor. Extend your legs out behind you, keeping your body straight. You should feel this working your quadriceps as you push your legs out.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

TRX Jump Squats. Click for larger images.
Hamstring Curl
Lie on your back and loop your heels into the foot cradles. Put your hands behind your head and push up onto your shoulder blades so they are the only point of contact with the floor. Then bend at your knees and bring your feet towards you, you should feel stress through your hamstrings. Ensure when you straighten out you control your weight back down slowly.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

Summer in Stockholm
Hamstring Runner
This is the same protocol as the hamstring curl. However, with the runner you move each leg back and forward independently. As one is straight the other should be bent. This is a great cardio workout as well as a good core stabilisation move as you’ll need to decrease the natural sway.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

Summer in Stockholm
Lunge Saw
For this move set up the TRX to mid calf, stand on one leg and put the other foot in both foot cradles, sole of your foot facing up. With the suspended leg lunge backwards until you create a 90-degree angle at both front and back knees. From this position roll backwards onto the heel of your front foot, balancing with your hands. This requires good balance and good leg strength to complete; it is easiest to break it down into the reverse lunge and then the saw until the movement has been mastered.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

Summer in Stockholm
Lunge with Jump
To progress a regular lunge add a jump at the top to increase muscle activation and add further cardio benefits. Keeping the TRX at mid calf height, place both feet into the foot cradles and face away from it. Lunge backwards until you create a 90-degree angle at both knees. From this bottom position push up and jump with your planted leg. Your suspended leg should be brought forward to add momentum to the jump. This is a great cardio based movement and can be an awesome finisher move or great addition to a HIIT workout.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)

TRX Jump Squats. Click for larger images.
Incline Hip Extensions
For a hip extension set the TRX up to mid calf height and lie on your back with your feet in the foot cradles. Lift your hips off the floor and bend your knees to about 90-degrees, bringing your feet closer to your body. From here push your hips up so your body is in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders, your weight should be through your shoulders. You should have a powerful hip raise and slow controlled lower to the starting position.
Target: 30 second hold per side (beginner), 1 minute hold per side (intermediate), 2 minute hold per side (advanced)
Incorporating TRX movements into your workout regime will encourage you to activate more muscles and break through any plateaus. The nature of the TRX means you can also get a great workout, easily personalised and quick to do wherever you are. The TRX really gives a great leg workout whilst also keeping your core strong at the same time.
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