Browsing: exercise

Back to Basics: Squats

Everyone has differing ideas of what they would call their ‘king of exercises’. Walk around your local gym and you probably see lots of people that would place bench presses or bicep curls at the top of their list, but here at Short Motivation we the squat as our premier exercise.

The best chest move you aren’t doing

Doing endless press-ups without any visible improvements to your pec dance? Blame biology, not your genetics. Your pectoral muscles’ main purpose is adduction of the shoulder – bringing your upper arm inward towards your body, like you do when you hit a forehand in tennis – so pushing/pressing movements aren’t terribly effective at targeting them.

The best bit of training kit in your bathroom

Pop quiz, hotshot: what’s the best bit of training kit that everyone has in their house? No: it’s not cans of soup, which only work for curls if you’ve got the arm strength of an inactive toddler. It’s not even bottles of water, though they’re a better bet, or crates of booze – they’re handy for squatting, but at some point you’ll end up drinking them. Nope: to add variety (and function) to your home workout, your best bet’s a towel.

Is being a weekend warrior really healthy?

Until recently, little-and-often was the exercise mantra: lying on the couch all week then going on a bike-riding bender at the weekend, experts believed, couldn’t compare with doing a bit of physical activity every single day. Now that view’s starting to change.

App Review: 10 Daily Exercises

The fitness world can be hugely overwhelming when it comes to finding the right exercises for you. There’s so much choice that even the most experienced gym-goer can be left dizzy by the options at their disposal. But this is where 10 Daily Exercises comes in.