Browsing: Training

Back to Basics: Squats

Everyone has differing ideas of what they would call their ‘king of exercises’. Walk around your local gym and you probably see lots of people that would place bench presses or bicep curls at the top of their list, but here at Short Motivation we the squat as our premier exercise.

Ten Thousand is all about fitness clothing with a purpose

At Short Motivation, we love to hear about brands with a purpose, which could be the reason why the company designed their clothes in a particular manner or fabric, or how they tackled the industry in a disruptive or alternative manner. Enter Ten Thousand whose fitness range is all about reaching your goals and how they can help pursue opportunities in life, better.

Training: Advanced Abs

Part three of a three-part core series. “Advanced Abs” cranks the intensity up to another level, keeping the workout the same overall time length but adds a few more exercises, giving you even more choice to swap things around and keep you making progress

8 Weeks for a Summer Body

If Short Motivation was a gambling website, we’d be inclined to put a bet that your New Year’s resolution was to lose a few pounds and get in shape, but ultimately failed. It’s now mid-May, when, hopefully, you’ve managed to smash your goals and are one step closer to the Summer body you’ve envisaged for yourself. No?

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