Search Results: glossary (16)

The best bit of training kit in your bathroom

Pop quiz, hotshot: what’s the best bit of training kit that everyone has in their house? No: it’s not cans of soup, which only work for curls if you’ve got the arm strength of an inactive toddler. It’s not even bottles of water, though they’re a better bet, or crates of booze – they’re handy for squatting, but at some point you’ll end up drinking them. Nope: to add variety (and function) to your home workout, your best bet’s a towel.

Training: The Resistance Band

Resistance bands are some of the most diverse and mobile pieces of equipment available. Convenient for taking on trips away due to the lightweight and compact nature of them, a great alternative to multiple heavy dumbbells.

Training: TRX RIP Trainer Workout

Using the RIP trainer is like having your own portable cable machine, but with more diversity. With the varying levels of resistance cords and a karabiner to attach to almost anything it’s another great piece of equipment to take with you into the park and get an awesome workout done.

Training: TRX Core Workout

With all people in search of their ‘beach body’ and many wanting to reveal their chiselled abdominal muscles in time for the summer season it’s no wonder why there are always new exciting workouts being devised to target this area.

The TRX is excellent at providing the right muscular stress on the core muscles whilst performing all exercises, due to the unstable nature the TRX puts you in. However, to feel a real burn, there are specific abdominal exercises that will bring out your abs, tone up your obliques and strength your core.

Training: Whole Body Medicine Ball Blast

Stuck for time? Not got a lot of equipment? With this workout you can smash a whole body workout with just one medicine ball. The idea behind this is to give a fun alternative to having to go slog it in the gym for an hour, with this workout you can go anywhere and with a little space give yourself a fat destroying circuit.

Training: Kettlebell Lower Body

Working out using a kettlebell is a fantastic way to stay in shape. The versatility of the equipment means you can get a mixed cardiovascular and muscular strength workout in one. This makes it popular to save time for busy individuals that need a quick way to keep fit.