Yearly Archives: 2017

App Review: Lastpass 4.1.5

With so many web sites now requiring visitors to log into their account before they can do anything, it is little wonder that many people resort to using the same password to secure several online services. This has obvious flaws as a security measure, and LastPass has been designed to make it easier to deal with passwords. LastPass is a browser plugin that securely stores all of your passwords on one place and can even automatically enter them for you.

App Review: Citymapper

Citymapper is a city-wide route-planning app which provides a comprehensive list of options for your route, taking you from A to B using your mobile connection to navigate through to your destination.

The app homepage displays a small map of your location including an inset tube map. From your current location you can view travel options within 5 minutes walk. If you select to walk or cycle, Citymapper will tell you how many calories you will burn and the equivalent in food. e.g. half a chocolate bar or one bacon butty

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